Towne Point Elementary 09/05/23 All-Call
Good Evening Towne Point families this is Tory Giddens, Principal of Towne Point Elementary with an announcement:
I’m writing to welcome you all to the 2023-2024 academic school year. We look forward to having an exciting year and making it a positively memorable experience for your child.
This message serves as an update with notifications as we prepare to open up the new year.
First Day of School
On this Tuesday, the first day of school, we will have our “Boo-Hoo Breakfast” for kindergarten students only. For the kindergarten parents who wish to come to school with their kindergartners, you will be allowed to enter the cafeteria and spend time with your child while they eat breakfast. Then they will be released to their classrooms with their teacher. Parents will not be allowed to walk their children to class. If you are going to have breakfast with your child, you are to park along Bacon Avenue near the playground. You will not be allowed to park beside the gym or cafeteria.
AM Parent Drop-off
To all parents, the first few days of school are very hectic and your patience is critical to the safety of our children. Therefore, we ask that you use extreme caution, when approaching campus in your vehicle, and look out for students as they may be walking along the sidewalks, or around the school campus in general.
Please note that you will not be allowed to drive into the circle in front of the school to drop-off your child. You will drop-off your child on Bacon Avenue, which is the side near our gymnasium and cafeteria. If you are in the drop-off line facing east, you will not be allowed to stop and get out with your child because we need to have the traffic moving smoothly and continuously so that it does not back up into our roadways. If you come in on Bacon Avenue facing route 13, your child will need to be escorted by you to the other side of the road. However, DO NOT park in the middle of the road and do not let your child cross the street alone. Also note that you cannot make U-turns along Bacon Avenue or Buckson Drive.
*** We highly encourage you not to arrive before 8:30 since the students will not be allowed to enter the building until 8:35 because of the teacher contract. Please keep this information in mind during the cold and inclement weather.
Regular Dismissal
As a reminder, make sure you clearly communicate with your child’s teacher how your child will be going home in the afternoons. First and foremost I want to be very clear. We do not call any of our dismissals “Parent Pickup” at Towne Point. We have three different locations where our children go in the afternoons and we need to be very specific on how they are going home. If your child is going to be picked up by you in a car beginning at 3:30, then your child is a CAR RIDER. If you are going to park along Buckson Drive and walk to the gym door to pick up your child, or if your child is a 3rd or 4th grader who has parent permission to walk home by themselves, then your child is considered a WALKER, and the only other option is your child would be a BUS RIDER. Please understand that no students will be released to parents from the front entrance. If your child is a walker, they will be picked up at the gymnasium entrance. If your child is a car rider, you are to remain in your car, come into the circle and identify your child to our officer, and your child will be brought to your car. Please DO NOT get in the car line and park in front of the building to walk to the front door to get your child. They will not be released to you in that manner. The car rider line will be long and slow the first few days; so please be patient. We want to correctly identify students and parents so that we don’t release your child or any child to the wrong person. Our ultimate responsibility is student safety and we want to make sure that all of our students get home safely and the right way.
Transportation changes and Early Dismissal
If you need to make transportation changes, make sure you do so with your child’s teacher before 2:30 pm. Our instructional day ends at 3:25 and we will not do any early dismissals after 3:10 unless it is an extreme emergency as determined by me.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing your children on Tuesday. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.